
Josh & Natalie Brown

Pastors at Restoration Church

Recovery is for everyone!  We thought recovery was mainly for people that were dealing with drugs and alcohol.  Boy, were we wrong.  As Pastors, it is easy to put your feelings aside to minister to other people.  All the while, the trauma you haven't dealt with controls and dictates how you lead.

We cast out demons, but we counsel out trauma.  We all have things we need to heal from, whether from our childhood, marriage, career, sickness, etc.  If we do not deal with it, it will deal with us.  God hasn't just called us to survive.  We have been called for more.  We want to be all that God has called us to be.  Twelve Stones Recovery Work Groups help you dig down deep and deal with things that are suppressed, yet still have influence in your life.

You get out of it what you put into it,  It takes work.  There are no short cuts to recovery.  Freedom is found in discipleship and dying to self.  Twelve Stones is a key component to that freedom and recovery.  If pastors need recovery, we all need recovery!
-Pastors Josh and Natalie Brown

Dutch Detchemendy

Twelve stones Recovery Leader

Twelve Stones has given me a better understanding of the biblical connection to recovery.  I really identify with Jesus Christ as my higher power which is the foundation of recovery.  My struggles with alcohol brought me to Twelve Stones, but I am using its recovery principles and steps for all my hurts, hang-ups and habits. Twelve Stones keeps me sober and gives me the tools to work on all my character defects.  My spiritual foundation has also become stronger.  I am blessed to be a member of this life saving program.
-Dutch Detchemendy